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Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen: Fostering Organizational Cohesion by Digitizing the RPD
By De Fu Li, Comcast; Gregory Medders, Comcast; Eric Stonfer, Comcast; Bhanu Krishnamurthy, Comcast; Sinan Onder, Comcast; Mehul Patel, Comcast
Using Machine Learning to Automate Node Split Designs and HFC Augmentation Options
By Keith R. Hayes, IMMCO, Inc.
A New Technique For Measuring Broadband Distortion In Systems With Mixed Analog And Digital Video
By Lamar West, Scientific-Atlanta
Machine Learning Model for Customer Claim Prediction in HFC Subscribers
By Dr. Claudio Righetti, Telecom Argentina S.A.; Matilde Cuenca, Telecom Argentina S.A.; Dr. Diego Martinez Heimann, Telecom Argentina S.A.
A PNM System Using Artificial Intelligence, HFC Network Impairment, Atmospheric and Weather Data to Predict HFC Network Degradation and Avert Customer Impact
By Larry Wolcott, Michael O'Dell, Peter Kuykendall, Vishnu Gopal, Jason Woodrich & Nick Pinckernell, Comcast
A Theoretical Examination Of The Effect Of A Nonlinear Device Located At A Tap
By Thomas N. Lovern II, Comm/Scope Company & and Chalmers M. Butler, University of Mississippi
Amplifier Linearization By Complementary Pre Or Post Distortion
By A. Prochazka, P. Lancaster, and A. Neumann, Delta-Benco-Cascade Ltd.
Optimizing DOCSIS 3.0 Configuration in the Upstream through Applied Reinforcement Learning
By Kevin Dugan, Maher Harb, Dan Rice & Robert Lund, Comcast
Implement Closed-Loop Network Decisioning Now with Big Data Analytics and Fuel Future-State SDN Use Cases Through a Common Platform Deployment
By Brennen Lynch and Anukool Lakhina, Guavus, Inc.
Bringing the Mid-Split Factory Online to Rapidly Produce Terabytes
By Serge Kasongo, Comcast, Field Operations; Dr. Robert Howald, Comcast, CONNECT; John Chrostowski, Comcast; Robert Thompson, Comcast
Detection of Passive Intermodulation in Drop Wiring by Burst Transmission Analysis - Diodes are common, but the network resists
By Tom Williams, Cable Television Laboratories Inc.; Cable Television Laboratories Inc., Cable Television Laboratories Inc; Larry Wolcott, Comcast; Jason Rupe, Ph.D., CableLabs
Strategies and Techniques for Ensuring Network Reliability for Enterprise Customers
By Dhirendra Singh Kashiwale, Yogesh Ade; Comcast
Deploying PMA-Enabled OFDMA in Mid-Split and High-Split
By Maher Harb, Dan Rice, Kevin Dugan, Jude Ferreira, Robert Lund; Comcast
Security Strategies in the Wake of Nation-State Attack Evolution
By Emma Rochon & Nancy Davoust, Comcast Cable
An FPGA-based Coaxial Channel Emulator for Automated Testing and Validation
By Richard A Primerano, Comcast; Rick Spanbauer, Comcast
What is 10G – The Technology Foundation
By Dr. Robert Howald, Dr. Sebnem Ozer, Robert Thompson, Saif Rahman, Dr. Richard Prodan & Jorge Salinger, Comcast
The Grown-up Potential Of A Teenage Phy
By Dr. Robert Howald, Robert Thompson, Dr. Amarildo Vieira, Motorola Mobility
Systems For OFDM Based Digital Signal Assessments For CATV Networks
By Rob Thompson, David Urban, Rob Howald of Comcast Cable, Satheesh Angaiah, David Geeter of Electro Rent Corporation, and Murthy Upmaka of Agilent
It’s 10 PM: Do You Know Where Your Wavelengths Are?
By Venk Mutalik, Dan Rice, Rick Spanbauer, Simone Capuano, Rob Gonsalves & Bob Gaydos, Comcast
Execute The Upstream Makeover Without Leaving Scars
By Dr. Robert Howald & Larry Wolcott, Comcast; Leslie Ellis, EllisEdits