Technical Eye Opener- Cable Amplifier Powering Methods (1970)

By I. Switzer, P. Eng., Maclean-Hunter Cable TV Limited

As television signals travel on a cable, they are reduced in power because of the attenuation characteristics of the cable. A channel 13 signal will lose 1/10 of its power in every 100 feet of typical trunk cable (3/4-inch foam-type). At the end of 1,000 feet of cable, the channel 13 signal will have only 10% of its original power, and at the end of 2,000 feet, the signal will have retained only 1% of its original power. If the signal were not reamplified at suitable intervals, it would virtually disappear. In order to reamplify the signal, amplifiers are placed at regular intervals along the cable. These amplifiers periodically bring the signal back to its original power level and make up for the signal power losses in the cable.

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