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Experimental FWA MIMO Capacity Analysis in 6 and 37 GHz Bands
By Roy Sun, CableLabs; Dorin Viorel, CableLabs; Wilhelm Keusgen, Technische Universität Berlin
Fixed Wireless Access Propagation Challenges
By Dorin Viorel, CableLabs; Roy Sun, PhD, CableLabs; Wilhelm Keusgen, Technical University of Berlin
Comparative Technical Analysis for 5G Fixed Wireless Access Rural Networks (2.6, 3.7 and 6.4 GHz)
By Dorin Viorel, CableLabs; Ruoyu Sun, CableLabs; Sanjay Patel, CableLabs; George Hart, Rogers Communications
Rural 5G Fixed Wireless Access. Economics Analysis and Methodology.
By Sanjay Patel, Dorin Viorel, Ruoyu Sun; CableLabs
Can a Fixed Wireless Last 100m Connection Really Compete with a Wired Connection?
By J.R. Flesch, Bryan Pavlich, David Virag & Charles Cheevers, ARRIS; Belal Hamzeh, Ph.D. & Dorin Viorel, CableLabs
FWA, The Promise of Broadband Everywhere Lessons Learned & Best Practices
By Ahmed Jafri, Rogers Communications Inc.; Osama Bazan, Rogers Communications Inc.; Rizwan Butt, Rogers Communications Inc.; Mahmoud ElMeligui, Rogers Communications Inc.; Carlos Moco, Rogers Communications Inc.
Why 6 GHz Standard Power Wi-Fi is the Game Changer for Residential Use in the US
By J.R. Flesch, Charles Cheevers, Kurt Lumbatis & Bryan Pavlich, Commscope
Constructing a Convergence Lab: Lessons Learned From Building a Converged Network at CableLabs
By Matthew Schmitt, CableLabs
The Promise of WiFi in the 6 GHz Band
By J.R. Flesch, Charles Cheevers & Kurt Lumbatis, Commscope
5G Fixed Wireless Access
By Mikko Jarvela, Nokia; Harri Holma, Nokia
Spectrum Utilization: Nationwide Measurements for New Spectrum Opportunities and Government Policy
By Mark Poletti, Cablelabs; Ruoyu Sun, CableLabs; Amir Hossein Fahim Raouf, North Carolina State University
On The Performance Of CBRS Fixed Wireless Access: Coverage And Capacity Field Study
By Mohamed Daoud, Matthew Hubbard, Rajeev Aggarwal & Hossam Hmimy, Charter Communications
HFC- The Gift That Keeps on Giving?
By L. Alberto Campos, Ph.D., Cable Television Laboratories Inc.; Lin Cheng, Ph.D., Cable Television Laboratories Inc.; Dorin Viorel, Cable Television Laboratories Inc.; Eric Nachtigall, Cable Television Laboratories Inc.; Todd Bryan, Cable Television Laboratories Inc.; Chris Stengrim, Cable Television Laboratories Inc.
Network Capacity Options on the Path to 10G
By Karthik Sundaresan, CableLabs
Advanced Television Research Activities At Cablelabs
By Craig K. Tanner, Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
CableLabs' Ghost Canceller Testing Project
By Tom Williams, Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
Cablelabs 1991 Advanced Network Development Work
By Stephen D. Dukes, Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
DOCSIS® Time Protocol Proof of Concept Phase II Results
By Ruoyu (Roy) Sun Ph.D., CableLabs; Aaron Quinto, Mark Poletti, CableLabs, Inc; Charles Cook, Vikas Sarawat, Praveen Srivastava, Lei Zhou, Charter Communications, Inc.; Elias Chavarria Reyes, Ph.D., Hitron Technologies, Inc.
Network Migration to 1.8 GHz - Operational “Spectral Analysis” Measured in nano-Hertz, a 30-Year Perspective
By Zoran Maricevic, John Ulm, Craig Coogan; CommScope
Overlaying Mid-Band Spectrum Backhaul/Fronthaul onto HFC
By John Ulm, Dr. Martin Zimmerman, PhD, Stuart Eastman & Zoran Maricevic, PhD, CommScope