5G Fixed Wireless Access targets ‘cable like’ services taking advantage of the newly allocated mid and milimmiter wave (mmwave) band spectra, supporting channel bandwidth of 100MHz (sub 7GHz) or up to 400MHz (24-52.4GHz), particularly for locations where the mobile wireless spectrum is under-utilized.
While the user outdoor antennas provide superior coverage and eventually user throughput rates, they may not be economically efficient, due to the required professional installation required.
The performance of cost effective FWA solutions target indoor CPEs, not dependent on field technician services, is critically determined by the Outdoor to Indoor (O2I) and indoor propagation. In this paper, we analyze how the related key performance propagation parameters shape up the FWA performance.
This paper is based on the statistically processed results coming out of 3 indoor and O2I measurement campaigns, whose results were summarized in 5 conference papers, as listed in the Reference section.
Without losing the generality, the test campaigns were centered on the unlicensed/shared 6 and 37GHz bands, being considered suitable candidates for future FWA applications.
The MIMO capacity analysis for FWA O2I environments is presented separstely in the companion paper [9].