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Cable Thin Clients: A New Revenue Opportunity For MSOs
By Daniel Howard, Motorola Connected Home Solutions
Femtocells: The Gateway To The Home
By Sheriff Popoola, Motorola Connected Home Solutions
The Cable Home is the Wellness and Telemedicine home – lets now deliver these new solutions
By Sudheer Dharanikota, Duke Tech Solutions, Inc.; Charles Cheevers, CommScope Inc.
The Role Of Service Providers In Home Networking Incremal Revenue Opportunities For MSOs
By Don Apruzzese, ShareWave, Inc.
Creating The Value Proposition For MSO And Consumer Alike In The More Connected Home – A Guidebook To Success
By Mark Francisco, Comcast Cable, Charles Cheevers, ARRIS
5G Is Rapidly Approaching, What Must Cable MSOs Do To Capitalize On This Business Opportunity
By Jon Baldry, Infinera
Hybrid IP-QAM Video Solutions
By Christopher Poli, P.E., Richard Moore, William Weeks, Motorola Connected Home Solutions
Security Issues For Remote Access And Virtual Private Networks Involving Cable Modems
By Daniel Howard, Digital Furnace Corporation
Creating Logical Channels And Implementing Advanced Spectrum Management
By Jack Moran and Michael Cooper, Motorola Connected Home Solutions
Considerations When Delivering Cable TV To IP Connected Consumer Electronics
By Mark Francisco, Comcast Cable Corporation
The Business Case for Aging in Place with Cable Operators
By Ian Wheelock & Charles Cheevers, CommScope; Dr. Sudheer Dharanikota & Ayarah Dharanikota, Duke Tech Solutions Inc.
Adaptive Streaming – New Approaches For Cable Ip Video Delivery
By John Ulm, Tom du Breuil, Gary Hughes, Sean McCarthy, Motorola Corp., Home & Mobility
The New Home as a Hotspot
By J.R. Flesch & Charles Cheevers, ARRIS International plc
Upstream 3.0: Cable’s Response To Web 2.0
By Dr. Robert Howald and Phil Miguelez, Motorola Mobility
Operational Practices for Energy Conservation/Sustainability Measures in the Cable Outside Plant
By Daniel Howard, Enunciant, LLC; Chris Day, Analog Devices; Kevin Gantt, CommScope; John Holobinko, Cisco; Rob Howald & Dan Marut, Comcast; Dick Kirsche, ConsultKirsche; Todd Loeffelholz, Alpha; Kathleen Miles, PG&E; Rene Spee, Coppervale; Dean Stoneback, SCTE•ISBE; John Ulm, Arris; Lamar West & Dan Whitehouse, Hitachi Consulting
Delivering Economical IP-video Over DOCSIS By Bypassing The M-CMTS With DIBA
By Michael Patrick, Motorola Connected Home Solutions
New Megabits, Same Megahertz: Plant Evolution Dividends
By Robert L. Howald, Ph.D., Amarildo Vieira, Ph.D., Michael Aviles, Motorola Home & Networks Mobility
Personal Networking in the Home: Opportunities and Challenges
By David Benham, Cisco Systems
Create Data-Driven Solutions to Optimize IP Content Delivery and Identify Revenue Opportunities
By Brennen Lynch and Anukool Lakhina, Guavus, Inc.
Future Directions In Cable Broadband Bandwidth Capacity
By John M. Ulm, Motorola, Home & Networks Mobility Technology Office