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Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Video Encoding from Theoretical Promises to Operational Gains
By Jan De Cock, Synamedia
Real-Time Analytics for IP Video Multicast
By Dr. Claudio Righetti, Emilia Gibellini, Florencia De Arca, Mariela Fiorenzo & Gabriel Carro, Telecom Argentina
Low Complexity Real-time Video Encoding for Soft Set-Top Box Platforms
By Krasimir Kolarov, Feei Chung, William Lynch, Interval Research Corporation
Can Future Networks Survive Without Artificial Intelligence?
By Dr. Claudio Righetti, Emilia Gibellini, Carlos Germán Carreño Romano & Gabriel Carro; Telecom Argentina S.A.
Generative Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on the Cable Industry
By Claudio Righetti, Austral University; Matías Torchinsky, Intraway
Artificial Intelligence and the Nanogrid in Critical Facility Power Infrastructure
By Ron Slutter, EnerSys; Rahul Khandekar, Ph.D., EnerSys; Francisco Paz, Ph.D., EnerSys; Dan Cooper, Greenside LLC
Augmented Intelligence: Next Level Network and Services Intelligence
By Dr. Claudio Righetti, Mariela Fiorenzo, Omar Hurtado & Gabriel Carro, Telecom Argentina S.A.
Artificial Intelligence In Cable TV Applications
By Louis P. Slothouber and Aaron Ye, BIAP Systems, Inc.
Predicting Service Impairments from Set-top Box Errors in Near Real-Time and What to Do About It
By Justin Watson, Comcast; Roger Brooks, Andrew Colby, Pankaj Kumar, Anant Malhotra & Mudit Jain, Guavus, Inc.
A Telecommunication Engineer’s Guide to Applied Artificial Intelligence
By Roy Pereira, Cox Communications Inc
Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence Approaches for Inventory Synchronization
By Salvatore (Sam) Torrente, Petar Djukic, Dmitri Fedorov, Mehran Bagheri & Marco Naveda, Ciena
Preventing Network Maintenance Collisions: Using Artificial Intelligence Models for Predicting Collisions in Planned Maintenance Activities
By Jordan Kupersmith, Cox Communications; Nate Bila, Cox Communications; Cherie Peirce, Cox Communications; Chase Durham, Cox Communications; Rob Arnold, Cox Communications
Improving Operational Intelligence for Maintaining Cable Networks
By Mike Spaulding, Comcast Corporation; Larry Wolcott, Comcast Corporation; Jason Rupe, CableLabs
A PNM System Using Artificial Intelligence, HFC Network Impairment, Atmospheric and Weather Data to Predict HFC Network Degradation and Avert Customer Impact
By Larry Wolcott, Michael O'Dell, Peter Kuykendall, Vishnu Gopal, Jason Woodrich & Nick Pinckernell, Comcast
Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Based Cross-Platform Node Name Mapping (Cmap-NN)
By Jordan Kupersmith, Cox Communications; Wei Cai, Cox Communications; Jeonpaolo Barvez, Cox Communications; Pavan Chandrashekar, Cox Communications; Richard Brown, Cox Communications
Cloud-DVR Real-Time Splunk-Based Monitoring and Alerting System
By Shlomo Ovadia, Ph.D. & Jenson Thottian, Charter Communications
Timely And Secure: Real-Time Performance Challenges Of Content Security
By Reza Rassool, Widevine® Technologies Inc.
Analysis And Prediction Of Set-Top-Box Reliability In Multi-Application Environments Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques
By Louis P. Slothouber
Optimizing Video Customer Experience with Machine Learning
By Mariela Fiorenzo, Claudio Righetti, María Cecilia Raggio, Fernando Ochoa & Gabriel Carro, Telecom Argentina S.A.
Improving The Latency of an MSO Network for Gaming and Real Time Applications
By Colin Dearborn, Shaw Cablesystems G.P.