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A Pragmatic Approach to Deploying Broadband in LATAM with Standards-Based PON Technologies
By Marko Estacio, CommScope; Brian Lane, CommScope
Preparations for Deploying & Lessons Learned from Deploying High Split (204 MHz) on I-CCAP, R-PHY, & R-MACPHY - High Split as a Steppingstone Towards DOCSIS® 4.0
By Craig Coogan, CommScope, Inc.; Jamie Brown, Shaw Communications, Inc.; Zoran Maricevic, Ph. D., CommScope, Inc.
DOCSIS 4.0: A Key Ingredient of the 2030's Broadband Pie
By Zoran Maricevic, Ph.D., Tom Cloonan, Ph.D. & John Ulm, CommScope; James Andis, HFC Technologies
The Broadband Network Evolution Continues
By John Ulm & Tom Cloonan, CommScope
Broadband Capacity Growth Models - Will the end of Exponential Growth eliminate the need for DOCSIS 4.0?
By John Ulm, Zoran Maricevic, Ph.D., Ram Ranganathan; CommScope
The Path Not Traveled: An Analysis of Modern PON Technologies in the Evolutionary Path of HFC Networks
By Kevin A. Noll, CableLabs
Scaling of Current PON Technologies to Meet the CPON Goals of 100Gbps and Beyond
By Karthik Sundaresan, CableLabs; Zhensheng (Steve) Jia, Ph.D., CableLabs; Kevin Noll, Vecima
Beyond 10G PON Technologies and Network Slicing: 50G PON Capacity + PON Slicing are Game Changers
By Michael Emmendorfer, Calix
Deploying IP Video Services, Architectures and Technologies
By Eduardo M. Panciera Molanes, Adrian Grimaldi, Norberto Harmath, Gaston Diaz & Marcos Aberastury, Telecom S.A.
Extended Spectrum DOCSIS: A Pragmatic Approach
By Steve Condra, Teleste Intercept LLC; Kari Maki & Arttu Purmonen, Teleste Corporation
Cable 10G vs. Wireless 5G: Foe Or Friend?
By John Ulm & Zoran Maricevic, CommScope
Managing the Coronavirus Bandwidth Surge: How to Cope with the Spikes and Long-term Growth
By John Ulm & Dr. Thomas Cloonan, CommScope
Deploying Segment Routing for PON Aggregation in Cox’s Metro Network
By Deependra Malla, Cox Communication Inc.
Hi Phy Lite – A Pragmatic Approach To Advanced Phy
By Dr. Ofir Shalvi, Noam Geri, Ariel Yagil, Daniel Wajcer, Texas Instruments, Broadband Communications Group
FTTH Distance and Density Considerations: Rural Broadband
By Brian Yarbrough, Cox Communications, Inc.; Chris Palmquist, Cox Communications, Inc.
How Working and Schooling from Home has now Driven a Change
By Charles Cheevers, CommScope
Capacity Planning, Traffic Engineering, and HFC Plant Evolution for the Next 25 Years
By Tom Cloonan, Ayham Al-Banna, Frank O’Keeffe & John Ulm, CommScope; Ruth Cloonan, BlueOpus
Revolutionizing Access Networks: How TFDM Coherent PON Combines the Best of TDM and WDM PONs
By Zhensheng (Steve) Jia, Ph.D., CableLabs; Haipeng Zhang, Ph.D., CableLabs; L. Alberto Campos, Ph.D., CableLabs
Network Migration to 1.8 GHz - Operational “Spectral Analysis” Measured in nano-Hertz, a 30-Year Perspective
By Zoran Maricevic, John Ulm, Craig Coogan; CommScope
FTTx PON Architecture Considerations: Distributed Optical Taps
By Brian Yarbrough, Cox Communications, Inc