This paper examines next generation PON technologies beyond 10 Gbps. It explains the optional support of a 50G PON OLT with a dual line-rate upstream receiver that enables service providers with economic flexibility to support both 50G x 50G ONUs and 50G x 25G upstream ONUs using the same wavelength and the same OLT port. Additionally, the ITU created a separate and optional specification called ITU-T Supplement 74 – PON Slicing. Though optional, OLT and ONU systems that can enable PON slicing functions into 50G PON technology will enable differentiated services and capabilities for the operator.
The paper also examines network slicing defined across the telecom industry and in conjunction with PON slicing this could enable an end-to-end network slicing architecture. The paper examines current and future PON technologies to support current and future business drivers and use cases. Residential service tier and traffic growth rates are forecasted to predict the useful life of current and future PON technologies including GPON, XGS-PON, 25GS-PON, and 50G PON.