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Strategies for Implementing Edge Services in the 10G Cable Network
By Eric Heaton, Intel Corporation – Network Platforms Group
Thermal Design And Test Requirements For Outside Plant Cable Telecommunications Equipment
By Al Marshall, P.E., Philips Broadband Networks
Comcast Underground: Innovative Fiber Deployments Over Existing Underground Critical Infrastructure
By Venk Mutalik, Pat Wike, Doug Combs, Alan Gardiner, Dan Rice; Comcast
An Open Specification For Hybrid Fiber/Coax Outside Plant Status Monitoring Equipment
By Gordon L. Bechtel, Jeffrey A. Masucci and L. Kathy Bechtel, Stout Technologies, Inc. and Pamela Anderson, CableLabs
Optimizing the 10G Transition to Full-Duplex DOCSIS 4.0
By Richard S Prodan, Ph.D., Comcast Cable
Preparing the Metro Core Network for Disruptive Technologies Like DAA and 5G
By Fady Masoud, M. Eng., Infinera
Lessons From Telco & Wireless Providers: Extending The Life Of The HFC Plant With New Technologies
By Tom Cloonan, Ayham Al-Banna, Mike Emmendorfer, Zoran Maricevic, Frank O’Keeffe, and John Ulm, ARRIS Group, Inc.
Right Technician at the Right Time: Using Machine Learning to Predict Network Maintenance Issues
By Anastasia Vishnyakova, Rama Mahajanam, Mike O’Dell, May Merkle-Tan, Catherine Hay & Lisa Pham, Comcast Cable
Powering 10G: The Role of Microgrids
By David Geary, P.E., Comcast; Robert F. Cruickshank III, Ph.D., CableLabs; Derek DiGiacomo, SCTE; Ken Gilbert, P.E., John W. Teague & Mark Welsko, P.E.,; Mike Glaser, Cox Communications; Brian T. Patterson, EMerge Alliance
Network Capacity Options on the Path to 10G
By Karthik Sundaresan, CableLabs
Powering the Near Future 10G Access Network: Considerations for Assuring Sufficient and Reliable Power
By Rob Anderson, EnerSys Energy Systems
Cable 10G vs. Wireless 5G: Foe Or Friend?
By John Ulm & Zoran Maricevic, CommScope
Preparing For DOCSIS 4.0 Upstream
By Nader Foroughi, Shaw Communications
With Great Power Comes Great Electricity Bills - Reducing grid dependance of the Access Network as it evolves toward 10G and beyond
By Tobias Peck, EnerSys
Scaling DAA: Smart, Continuous Network Health Monitoring for vCMTS with Machine Learning
By Ilana Weinstein, Comcast; Ramya Narayanaswamy, Comcast; Aaron Tomkins, Comcast; Nivedhitha Sridhar, Comcast
Broadening the Reach of Broadband, Powered by Distributed Access Architecture
By Katherine Aiello, Robert Howald, Frank Eichenlaub, Jason Combs; Comcast
Network Migration to 1.8 GHz - Operational “Spectral Analysis” Measured in nano-Hertz, a 30-Year Perspective
By Zoran Maricevic, John Ulm, Craig Coogan; CommScope
A New Model for Power Plant and Health Estimation
By Kang Lin, PhD, Michael Nispel; Comcast
Exploring the Benefits of Network Intelligence Applications to Optimize HFC Networks Using a Data-Driven Design Approach
By Diana Linton, Charter Communications; Esteban Sandino, Charter Communications; Nader Foroughi, Technetix Inc.; Keith Auzenne, Charter Communications; Premton Bogaj, Technetix Inc.
Proactive Network Maintenance (PNM) Paves the Way for More Upstream Bandwidth
By Takashi Hayakawa, Mike O’Dell, Paul Schauer, Larry Wolcott; Comcast