An Integrated Network Management System For Cable Television (1994)

By John C. Anderson, Rogers Engineering

The Integrated Network Management System (INMS) uses computer technology to monitor and control all of the equipment in Rogers primary fiber hubs, secondary fiber hubs; and trunk amplifiers and power supplies in the coaxial cable TV system. In the event of a fiber cut, or optical hardware failure, a backup route or redundant hardware automatically switches in to restore service. The INMS system monitors all of this equipment and reports any fault conditions that occur to a central Technical Action Center (TAG). Through different security access levels, all users can monitor the network, but designated technicians have the ability to issue switching or reconfiguration commands.

INMS is unique in that it provides a single graphical interface to the outside plant with a consistent representation of several different vendors' equipment laid out in a logical network presentation.

Rogers has developed software that integrates the proprietary communications protocols of various vendors into one system of centralized network management. The operator now has a comprehensive view of the entire network status at any time, providing more effective problem isolation and resolution. This system is providing real gains in network operation efficiency and customer service.

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