A Technique Using Several Delay Lines To Correct For Multiple Ghosting And Poor Frequency Response Due To Multipath (1975)

By John Leslie Huff, Tele-Vue Systems, Inc.

Ghosting on received television pictures can be minimized by directive antenna arrays if the reflected signal arrives at a significantly different angle than the desired signal. When the angle between the desired and undesired signal is small, this method is not feasible and other methods are used.

This paper describes a method of minimizing the effects of ghosting by branching the received signal into a multiplicity of parallel paths of different delay times and recombing the result into a single feed for the active processing equipment. Methods of estimating the required delay times from the detected waveform are discussed. The equipment and technique for evaluating the results are discussed with the aid of photographs and plots of an actual case.

Broadcast signals which would optimize the adjustment of this equipment at the receiving site are discussed.

This technique provides an answer to a common problem that usually goes uncorrected, or has rather expensive alternates.

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