Field Strength Monitors (1972)

By R., L. Douglas Chief Engineer, Helwick Douglas Electronics, Inc.

A Field Strength Monitor is a new and unique test instrument designed especially for the CATV industry. A Field Strength Monitor combines the functions of a field strength meter, a television monitor, and a video display in one portable instrument. The Field Strength Monitor can be used to measure the signal strength of any VHF or UHF TV signal while observing the picture and sound on the television monitor. This provides the capability to observe any interference in the video or audio TV signals while measuring the amplitude or strength of these signals. The video display provides an oscilloscope-type look at the vertical blanking and sync pulse. This gives an indication of any overloading or sync clipping in the distribution amplifiers. This versatile instrument can be used in the lab to calibrate front-end equipment; in the field to adjust line amplifiers; and in the home to demonstrate the quality of CATV signals.

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