Optical Fiber Cables And Connectors For Mini-Hub (1982)

By Douglas A. Pinnow and Ross W. Strait, Jr., Times Fiber Communications, Inc.

New large core fibers, special cable constructions, and associated optical connectors have been developed in support of a major system effort to distribute television signals within a high density area or high rise apartment buildings. This new system, known as MINI-HUB, has a star configuration with dedicated fiber pairs connecting each apartment to a Central Distribution Unit ( CDU). One of the fibers is used to transmit a single modulated TV channel from the CDU to the subscriber while the other transmits a digital channel select signal from the subscriber back to the CDU. A more detailed description of this system is given in a paper entitled "MINI-HUB Addressable Distribution System for Hi- Rise Application," which is presented by M.F. Mesiya et al in the session on New Developments in Addressable Hardware. This paper deals with the optical fibers, cable constructions and optical connectors developed for the MINI-Hub system.

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