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The Fiber Folding Ruler: Creating a Common KPI Language for Operating Fiber Networks
By Robert-Jan van Minnen, MSc., Liberty Global; Jason Rupe, Ph.D., CableLabs
Operating Fiber Access the Cable Way: Challenges for the Industry to Overcome
By Jason Rupe, CableLabs; John Bevilacqua, CableLabs; Kevin Noll, CableLabs; Jon Schnoor, CableLabs
The Speed Triangle - speed promises, growing traffic and capacity in balance
By Robert-Jan van Minnen, Liberty Global – Liberty Tech
The Conversational Network: AI-powered Language Models for Smarter Cable Operations
By Tyler Glenn, CableLabs; Jason Rupe Ph.D., CableLabs; Kyle Haefner Ph.D., CableLabs
Improving Operational Intelligence for Maintaining Cable Networks
By Mike Spaulding, Comcast Corporation; Larry Wolcott, Comcast Corporation; Jason Rupe, CableLabs
Detection of Passive Intermodulation in Drop Wiring by Burst Transmission Analysis - Diodes are common, but the network resists
By Tom Williams, Cable Television Laboratories Inc.; Cable Television Laboratories Inc., Cable Television Laboratories Inc; Larry Wolcott, Comcast; Jason Rupe, Ph.D., CableLabs
Access Network Build Comparisons: FTTH, HFC Fiber Deep, And LTE
By Tim Burke, Liberty Global and Michael Eagles, UPC Broadband
Employing Neural Networks for Improved Root Cause Analysis in Service Provider Clouds
By Helen Zeng, Ph.D. & Robert McIntyre, VMware
Breaking the Barriers: Abstracting Traffic Management for Superior Quality of Experience in Multi-Technology Networks
By Sebnem Ozer, Ph.D., Charter Communications; Ramneek Bali, Charter Communications; Kamran Yousuf, Charter Communications; Moutaz Elkaissi, Charter Communications
Our Ultimate Fiber Network Just Got a New Look with a Comb: A Comprehensive Exploration of Optical Frequency Combs
By Zhensheng (Steve) Jia, Ph.D., CableLabs; L. Alberto Campos, Ph.D., CableLabs; Haipeng Zhang, Ph.D., CableLabs; Karthik Choutagunta, Ph.D., CableLabs; Curtis Knittle, Ph.D., CableLabs
A Roadmap for Cable Access Reliability
By Jason Rupe, CableLabs; Ron Hranac
Fiber Optics Mediated Teleconferencing
By Anand Kumar, Times Fiber Communications, Inc.
Application Of Fiber Optics In CATV
By James C. Herman, Times Fiber Communications, Inc.
Fiber QAM vs RF QAM: Demystifying Coherent Optics
By Amarildo Vieira, Ph.D., Comcast Connect; Venk Mutalik, Comcast; Dan Rice, Comcast; John Chrostowski, Comcast; Saif Rahman, Comcast
A PNM System Using Artificial Intelligence, HFC Network Impairment, Atmospheric and Weather Data to Predict HFC Network Degradation and Avert Customer Impact
By Larry Wolcott, Michael O'Dell, Peter Kuykendall, Vishnu Gopal, Jason Woodrich & Nick Pinckernell, Comcast
Kickstarting Proactive Network Maintenance with the Proactive Operations Platform and Example Application
By Jason Rupe, Ph.D. & Jingjie Zhu, CableLabs
Fiber By Design
By Kerry D. LaViolette, Philips Broadband Networks Incorporated
Cable and Mobile Convergence: A Vision from the Cable Communities Around the World
By Jennifer Andréoli-Fang, PhD, CableLabs; John T. Chapman, Ian Campbell, & Mark Grayson, Cisco; Ahmed Bencheikh, Praveen Srivastava & Vikas Sarawat, Charter Communications; Drew Davis & Paul Blaser, Cox Communications; Damian Poltz & Dave Morley, Shaw Communications; Eduardo Panciera, Telecom Argentina; Philippe Perron, Sylvain Archambault, Eric Menu, Géraldine Trouillard & David Lagacé, Videotron; Gavin Young & Bruno Cornaglia, Vodafone
Data Collection, Interpretation Methodologies, and Challenges for Proactive Network Maintenance
By James Medlock, Akleza, Inc.; Ron Hranac, SCTE; Allen Maharaj, Rogers; Alexander Podarevsky, Promptlink Communications; Jason Rupe, CableLabs; Foad Towfiq, Promptlink Communications; Brady Volpe, Volpe Firm
Progress In Fiber Optics Transmission Systems For Cable Television
By A.C. Deichrniller, Times Fiber Communications, Inc.