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Operationalizing the Grey Optics Architecture
By Venk Mutalik, Dan Rice, Bob Gaydos, Doug Combs & Pat Wike, Comcast
Fifty Shades of Grey Optics: A Roadmap for Next Generation Access Networks
By Venk Mutalik, Bob Gaydos, Dan Rice & Doug Combs, Comcast
Comcast Underground: Innovative Fiber Deployments Over Existing Underground Critical Infrastructure
By Venk Mutalik, Pat Wike, Doug Combs, Alan Gardiner, Dan Rice; Comcast
Accelerating the Virtualization: Introducing Hybrid Fiber Shelf into the Mix
By Venk Mutalik, Bob Gaydos, Dan Rice & Jorge Salinger, Comcast
It’s 10 PM: Do You Know Where Your Wavelengths Are?
By Venk Mutalik, Dan Rice, Rick Spanbauer, Simone Capuano, Rob Gonsalves & Bob Gaydos, Comcast
Photon Avatars in the Comcast Cosmos: An End-to-End View of Comcast Core, Metro and Access Networks
By Venk Mutalik, Steve Ruppa, Fred Bartholf, Bob Gaydos, Steve Surdam, Amarildo Vieira, Dan Rice; Comcast
Approaching the Cosmic Speed Limit: Introducing Hollow Core Fibers for Low Latency and High Capacity
By Venk Mutalik, Amarildo Vieira, Dan Rice,Bob Gaydos, Elad Nafshi; Comcast
Fiber QAM vs RF QAM: Demystifying Coherent Optics
By Amarildo Vieira, Ph.D., Comcast Connect; Venk Mutalik, Comcast; Dan Rice, Comcast; John Chrostowski, Comcast; Saif Rahman, Comcast
Coherence After Turbulence: Coherent Links for Hurricane Relief in the Sunshine State
By Venk Mutalik, Comcast; Amarildo Vieira, Principal Optical Engineer; Dan Rice, Vice President; Eric Moore, Engineer; John Chrostowski, Executive Director; Scott Wood, Engineer; Elad Nafshi, Chief Network Officer
Modernizing Subscriber Management on the Road to 10G
By Sebnem Ozer, Ph.D., De Fu Li, Jason Combs, Bob Gaydos, Dan Rice; COMCAST
What Gets Measured Gets Done / What Gets Analyzed Gets Transformed: Analytics for a Wider/Deeper Network View
By Venk Mutalik, Dan Rice, Karthik Subramanya & Jon-en Wang, Comcast
Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen: Fostering Organizational Cohesion by Digitizing the RPD
By De Fu Li, Comcast; Gregory Medders, Comcast; Eric Stonfer, Comcast; Bhanu Krishnamurthy, Comcast; Sinan Onder, Comcast; Mehul Patel, Comcast
It’s 9:00 AM And Your Fiber Is Still Dark
By Justin Riggert, Joel Swan, Simone Capuano, Tony Curran & Scott Johnston, Comcast
A Machine Learning Pipeline for D3.1 Profile Management
By Maher Harb, Jude Ferreira, Dan Rice, Bryan Santangelo & Rick Spanbauer, Comcast
Broadening the Reach of Broadband, Powered by Distributed Access Architecture
By Katherine Aiello, Robert Howald, Frank Eichenlaub, Jason Combs; Comcast
Our Ultimate Fiber Network Just Got a New Look with a Comb: A Comprehensive Exploration of Optical Frequency Combs
By Zhensheng (Steve) Jia, Ph.D., CableLabs; L. Alberto Campos, Ph.D., CableLabs; Haipeng Zhang, Ph.D., CableLabs; Karthik Choutagunta, Ph.D., CableLabs; Curtis Knittle, Ph.D., CableLabs
Solving The Mysteries of the Distributed Access Architecture
By Matthew Stehman, Ramya Narayanaswamy, Jude Ferreira & Robert Gaydos, Comcast
Truth/Devil is in the Details: The Fusion of Design and Telemetry Information in Access Networks
By Matt Wichman, Venk Mutalik, Joann Shumard, Kathy Fox; Comcast
Full Scale Deployment of PMA
By Maher Harb, Bryan Santangelo, Dan Rice & Jude Ferreira, Comcast
Estimating Downstream Performance And DOCSIS 3.1 Capacity In CAA and DAA Systems
By Michael Emmendorfer, Brent Arnold, Zoran Maricevic, Frank O'Keeffe, and Venk Mutalik, ARRIS