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Operational Sustainability: On Achieving Optimal Leverage of the Power Grid with Wi-Fi CPE
By James R. Flesch, Commscope; Brian Carroll, Commscope
Why Location is Now a Thing in Wi-Fi: Operational Considerations for Standard Power 6 GHz Wi-Fi
By Scott Voegele, CommScope
Why 6 GHz Standard Power Wi-Fi is the Game Changer for Residential Use in the US
By J.R. Flesch, Charles Cheevers, Kurt Lumbatis & Bryan Pavlich, Commscope
Operational Practices for Energy Conservation/Sustainability Measures in the Cable Outside Plant
By Daniel Howard, Enunciant, LLC; Chris Day, Analog Devices; Kevin Gantt, CommScope; John Holobinko, Cisco; Rob Howald & Dan Marut, Comcast; Dick Kirsche, ConsultKirsche; Todd Loeffelholz, Alpha; Kathleen Miles, PG&E; Rene Spee, Coppervale; Dean Stoneback, SCTE•ISBE; John Ulm, Arris; Lamar West & Dan Whitehouse, Hitachi Consulting
WAN And LAN Speed and Service Matching – Are We Engineering It Correctly for Consumer Services Growth In The Next 5+ Years
By J.R. Flesch, Kurt Lumbatis, Ian Wheelock; CommScope
Virtualization in Wi-Fi to Fix Many Long-Standing Customer Experience Issues
By Ian Wheelock, CommScope Inc; Steve Arendt, CableLabs Advanced Technology Group; Steve Glennon, CableLabs Advanced Technology Group; John Bahr, CableLabs Advanced Technology Group; Tucker Polomik, CableLabs Advanced Technology Group; Zackary Foreman, CableLabs Advanced Technology Group
Testing Wi-Fi Upgrades for Latency and Throughput - Evaluating OFDMA for Latency Improvements
By Matt Brooks, David Williams; CommScope
With 1.2GHz of Spectrum are we Moving to a Channelized Per Room Architecture for the Home: Enabled by Wi-Fi7
By Charles Cheevers, Ian Wheelock & Kurt Lumbatis, Commscope; Kamal Koshy & Ahmed Bencheikh, Charter Communications
5G and Wi-Fi 7 Network Convergence with End-to-End Network Slicing
By Cheng Gang, Nokia; Jiang Yiming, Nokia; Qian Zhihong, Nokia; Luo Ye, Nokia; Rajamanickam Thirumurthy, Nokia; Huang Kaikai, Nokia
Cable 10G vs. Wireless 5G: Foe Or Friend?
By John Ulm & Zoran Maricevic, CommScope
Thank You FCC: Now We Have 1.2 Ghz of 6 GHz Spectrum so How Does the Cable Operator Utilize It?
By J.R. Flesch, Bryan Pavlich, Kurt Lumbatis & Charles Cheevers, Commscope
Preparations for Deploying & Lessons Learned from Deploying High Split (204 MHz) on I-CCAP, R-PHY, & R-MACPHY - High Split as a Steppingstone Towards DOCSIS® 4.0
By Craig Coogan, CommScope, Inc.; Jamie Brown, Shaw Communications, Inc.; Zoran Maricevic, Ph. D., CommScope, Inc.
How to Finally Conquer Wi-Fi in the Home: Service Provider Style
By Nav Kannan & Charles Cheevers, ARRIS International plc
Seamless Connectivity: Transitioning Between Wi-Fi And Other Radio Access Networks
By John Bahr, CableLabs; Omkar Dharmadhikari, CableLabs; Neeharika Jesukumar, CableLabs; Dhanraj Murali, CableLabs
Enhancing Wi-Fi QoE With Targeted Approach
By Bart Vercammen & Jos Delbar, Technicolor
From Millions to Billions: SCTE Standards Evolve the Smart Grid at Scale
By Robert Cruickshank, GRIDIoT Power Networks; Derek DiGiacomo, Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers; David Fellows, Fellows Associates; Francis Sandoval, Pajarito Technologies; Tony Werner, Comcast Cable
2019 Virtualized CPE Services Have Finally Arrived Via Service Delivery Platforms
By Ian Wheelock & Charles Cheevers, CommScope
Overlaying Mid-Band Spectrum Backhaul/Fronthaul onto HFC
By John Ulm, Dr. Martin Zimmerman, PhD, Stuart Eastman & Zoran Maricevic, PhD, CommScope
How Working and Schooling from Home has now Driven a Change
By Charles Cheevers, CommScope
Deploying and Optimizing the Next Generation Wireless Home
By Steven R. Harris, SCTE / ISBE