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Towards Predictable Low Latency DOCSIS Services
By Dan Rice, Comcast; Sebnem Ozer, Ph.D., Comcast; James Martin, Ph.D., Clemson University
Next Generation Neighbor Interference Prediction Tools
By John Chrostowski, Comcast; Richard Primerano, Comcast; Kang Lin, Comcast; Jay Zhu, Comcast; Javed Nazim, Comcast; Jon-En Wang, Comcast; Dustin Tracy, Comcast
Dynamic Data Collection & Configuration Management
By Rohini Vugumudi, Hany Fame, Pardeep Singh & Zhen Lu, Comcast
Modernizing Subscriber Management on the Road to 10G
By Sebnem Ozer, Ph.D., De Fu Li, Jason Combs, Bob Gaydos, Dan Rice; COMCAST
Approaching the Cosmic Speed Limit: Introducing Hollow Core Fibers for Low Latency and High Capacity
By Venk Mutalik, Amarildo Vieira, Dan Rice,Bob Gaydos, Elad Nafshi; Comcast
Execute The Upstream Makeover Without Leaving Scars
By Dr. Robert Howald & Larry Wolcott, Comcast; Leslie Ellis, EllisEdits
Approaches to Latency Management: Combining Hopby-Hop and End-to-End Networking
By Sebnem Ozer, Ph.D., Carl Klatsky, Dan Rice & John Chrostowski, Comcast
Accelerating the Virtualization: Introducing Hybrid Fiber Shelf into the Mix
By Venk Mutalik, Bob Gaydos, Dan Rice & Jorge Salinger, Comcast
Distributed Access Architecture Is Now Widely Distributed
By Dr. Robert Howald, Frank Eichenlaub & Adi Bonen, Comcast; Tobias Peck, EnerSys
Fifty Shades of Grey Optics: A Roadmap for Next Generation Access Networks
By Venk Mutalik, Bob Gaydos, Dan Rice & Doug Combs, Comcast
Fiber QAM vs RF QAM: Demystifying Coherent Optics
By Amarildo Vieira, Ph.D., Comcast Connect; Venk Mutalik, Comcast; Dan Rice, Comcast; John Chrostowski, Comcast; Saif Rahman, Comcast
Full Band Capture Revisited
By Ron Hranac, Cisco Systems; Chad Campbell, Intraway; Roger Fish & Tom Kolze, Broadcom; Even Kristoffersen & Aleksander Soeberg, Telia Norge; James Medlock, Akleza; Jason Rupe & Tom Williams, CableLabs; Paul Schauer & Larry Wolcott, Comcast
Coherence After Turbulence: Coherent Links for Hurricane Relief in the Sunshine State
By Venk Mutalik, Comcast; Amarildo Vieira, Principal Optical Engineer; Dan Rice, Vice President; Eric Moore, Engineer; John Chrostowski, Executive Director; Scott Wood, Engineer; Elad Nafshi, Chief Network Officer
Broadening the Reach of Broadband, Powered by Distributed Access Architecture
By Katherine Aiello, Robert Howald, Frank Eichenlaub, Jason Combs; Comcast
System Management In An EBIF World
By Kevin Taylor, Joshua Seiden, Jeff Calkins, Comcast Cable
Access Capacity Planning: Staying Well Ahead of Customer Demand Helped Ensure Stability During COVID-19
By Bruce E. Barker Jr., Claude Bou Abboud & Erik Neeld, Comcast Cable
An FPGA-based Coaxial Channel Emulator for Automated Testing and Validation
By Richard A Primerano, Comcast; Rick Spanbauer, Comcast
A PNM System Using Artificial Intelligence, HFC Network Impairment, Atmospheric and Weather Data to Predict HFC Network Degradation and Avert Customer Impact
By Larry Wolcott, Michael O'Dell, Peter Kuykendall, Vishnu Gopal, Jason Woodrich & Nick Pinckernell, Comcast
What Gets Measured Gets Done / What Gets Analyzed Gets Transformed: Analytics for a Wider/Deeper Network View
By Venk Mutalik, Dan Rice, Karthik Subramanya & Jon-en Wang, Comcast
Practical Implementation of Profile Management Application
By Brady Volpe, NimbleThis and The VolpeFirm