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Mutual Effects Of BTSC Stereo And RF Sync Suppression Scrambling
By Kenneth D. Leffingwell, Wegener Communications
Upstream Noise And Bit-Error Rate Analysis Of An Operational One-way System Converted To Two-Way Operation
By Claude Baggett, Paul Workman, and Michael Ellis, Cox Cable Communications, Inc.
Having the Whole Company in a Bag: Mediacom’s Real-World Use of Automated Access Network Design and Optimization Technology
By Bill Wegener & Mike Oja, Mediacom Communications Corporation; Ian Oliver, Versant Solutions Group Inc.
An MPEG Standard Based Video Compression System and Applications
By Mahesh Balakrishnan and Weidong Mao, Philips Laboratories & Lionel Tranchard and Etienne Fert, Laboratoires d'Eiectronique Philips
CATV System Design and Operation
By C. Bailey Neal, Archer S. Taylor, Donald W. Levenson, Orville D, Page, J.D. Cauldwell, P. Knight and E. R. Mertz, John Campbell and Joseph P. Gleason
Analyzing the Modern OTT Piracy Video Ecosystem
By Don Jones, Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC & Kei Foo, Charter Communications
Operation Issues
By Thomas G. Elliot, Tele-Communications, Inc.
Cable T.V. Satellite Distribution C Or Ku Band
By Andrew G. Setos And Paul F. Beeman, Viacom Networks Group
Modernizing In-Home Wi-Fi for Video: Multiple Access Points, Intelligence, and Mesh
By Bulent Celebi, Executive Chairman and Co-Founder, AirTies
Current Configurations And Field Installations Of Multiple Service Communications Systems
By Robert V .C. Dickinson, E-COM Corporation
Cable Head End Operation With Copy-protected Signals
By Graham s. Stubbs, Eidak Corporation
Measuring And Evaluating Video Signals In The Headend
By Blair Schodowski and James O. Farmer, Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.
Virtualizing Video Processing For Scale, Agility, And Performance
By Glen Griffith, Eric Rosier, and Brad Medford, Ericsson, Inc.
An Open Specification For Hybrid Fiber/Coax Outside Plant Status Monitoring Equipment
By Gordon L. Bechtel, Jeffrey A. Masucci and L. Kathy Bechtel, Stout Technologies, Inc. and Pamela Anderson, CableLabs
Interoperability On The Information Superhighway: The Continuing Saga
By H. Allen Ecker, Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.
System Design And Operation With "Basic"
By James B. Grabenstein, Potomac Valley Television Co., Inc.
Communications For Improved Quality Of Life
By Dr. Peter C. Goldmark, Goldmark Communications Corp.
Multiple Home Terminal Units: Subscriber Convenience -- Security Risk
By James R. Cherry and Tony Chen-tung Li, Oak Communications Inc.
An Off-Premises Converter With Multiple Signal Paths
By Charles M. Palmer, C-COR Electronics, Inc.
Disaggregated, Coherent DWDM Solution at Shaw’s Newest Cloud Datacentre Interconnect
By Michael Ting Wang, P. Eng., Shaw Communications Inc.