Teach Me to Fish: The Role of Virtual Training Environments in Workplace Learning (2022)

By Abbie O’Dell, Charter Communications

This qualitative study considers the relationship between an immersive Virtual Training Environment (VTE) and the post-training confidence of learners, through examining the perceptions of trainers. Study participants were selected from trainers in a large telecommunications organization who provide instruction on software and systems, including those both with and without a VTE. Six participants responded to an online survey containing closed- and open-ended questions that gathered their perceptions of post-training confidence for learners relative to use of a VTE during their training course, and responses were analyzed to identify key topical patterns. The findings indicate a perception that the presence of a VTE provides significant positive impact to the learner experience, and that the absence of one can be equally detrimental. Concepts from the literature, including exploratory and participatory learning, self-directed learning, learning transfer and others were found throughout the participant responses. The findings indicate a clear preference for VTEs and suggest an opportunity for future inquiry to establish the validity of this instructional method.

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