With respect to the subject "Can Cable System Management and Retreaded Aerospace Engineers Adapt to Each Other?" , I can only plead for a rewording of the statement and then an unequivocal "yes". There is a connotation of the wo!d "retreaded" which is most unfair to aerospace engineers.
NSPE has just completed a major study funded by the Department of Labor on the skills conversion of aerospace engineers for use in the new priorities of the nation. This study has shown that the skills available in the technological field from those with aerospace experience are usually transferable to other areas with a relatively short period of additional training in the nomenclature and application of the science and math they have used in their previous employment.
Unfortunately, this study also shows that there are several commonly held opinions relative to aerospace technical personnel which are substantially unjustified. Although of course there are examples which can be found ~o prove the "myths", it is grossly unfair to use these few examples and generalize to the total aerospace technological employment.