Flexicade - An Evolutionary Cable System (1972)

By J.W. Blanchard, Engineering Manager for AMECO, I NC .

When the total telecommunications requirements of a cable system for the top 100 markets is considered, it becomes evident that the conventional frequency division multiplexed cable system lacks certain important features that will be needed for the metropolitan areas.

Two of the more obvious shortcomings are:

1) It cannot transport high quality television signals over the distances encountered in the metropolitan areas.

2) It does not work well in the high ambient signal levels found in most large cities.

To overcome these shortcomings, Ameco is introducing a system concept called FLEXICADE.

The Name FLEXICADE has been coined by Ameco to describe a total concept in signal handling and distribution equipment that was designed specifically to provide a cable system capable of meeting the multi-faceted industrial and community requirements that exist in these metropolitan markets today. At the same time, however, FLEXICADE offers alternate capabilities that can help the small system owner who needs an economical systems to handle long signal transportation runs through sparsely populated areas.

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