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To Kill-A-Watt-Hour, We Recommend to Hot Standby
By Richard Grivalsky, Comcast Cable; Brian Allen, Comcast Cable; Budd Batchelder, Comcast Cable
Eating the Energy Elephant One Byte at A Time: Managing Energy Consumption Across the Cable Network
By Katie Flynn, Comcast Cable; Budd Batchelder, Comcast Cable
Photon Avatars in the Comcast Cosmos: An End-to-End View of Comcast Core, Metro and Access Networks
By Venk Mutalik, Steve Ruppa, Fred Bartholf, Bob Gaydos, Steve Surdam, Amarildo Vieira, Dan Rice; Comcast
Two Years Of Deploying ITV/EBIF Applications – Comcast’s Lessons Learned
By Robert Dandrea, Ph.D., Comcast Cable
Key Learnings from Comcast’s Use of Open Source Software in the Access Network
By Louis Donofrio & Qin Zang, Comcast Cable; Vignesh Ramamurthy, Infosys Consulting
Comcast Underground: Innovative Fiber Deployments Over Existing Underground Critical Infrastructure
By Venk Mutalik, Pat Wike, Doug Combs, Alan Gardiner, Dan Rice; Comcast
Peas In a Pod: What Makes Them Green?
By Defu Li, Richard Grivalsky, Robert Gaydos, Ashok Ramasamy, Eric Stonfer, Gianni DiGregorio; Comcast Cable
Watts In An ID? Utility-Tied, Energy Consuming Asset Life Cycle Management
By Richard Grivalsky, Comcast Cable; Anusha Nukala, Comcast Cable; Alexander Falcon, Comcast Cable; Shaju Kezakykanirakat, Comcast Cable
The Future of Cable Television Audio is Accessible
By Mark Francisco, Comcast Cable
Energy Conservation Measure Recommendations for Cable Edge Facilities
By Daniel Marut & Michael Baselice, Comcast; Daniel Howard, George Gosko, Supriya Dharkar, Riebeeck van Niekerk & Tanner McManus, Hitachi; Gregory Baron, US Air Force (formerly with Hitachi)
Coaxial Cable Performance for CATV
By Allen Kushner, Times Wire and Cable
IP Multicast In Cable Networks
By Joe Godas, Brian Field, Alon Bernstein, Sanjeev Desai, Toerless Eckert, and Harsh Parandekar
10G Full Duplex DOCSIS Implementation Exceeds Expectations
By Richard S Prodan, Ph.D., Comcast Cable
Optimizing the 10G Transition to Full-Duplex DOCSIS 4.0
By Richard S Prodan, Ph.D., Comcast Cable
Implementation Of Stereoscopic 3D Systems On Cable
By David K. Broberg, Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. and Mark Francisco, Comcast Cable Communications, Inc.
The Evolution of Cable Network Security
By Matt Tooley, NCTA, Matt Carothers, Cox Communications, Michael Glenn, CableLabs, Michael O’Reirdan, Comcast, Chris Roosenraad, Time-Warner Cable, and Bill Sweeney, Comcast
How To Evaluate Coaxial Cable For Maximum Utilization And Longevity
By Allen M. Kushner
Considerations When Delivering Cable TV To IP Connected Consumer Electronics
By Mark Francisco, Comcast Cable Corporation
Hattery Will Get You Everywhere
By Dr. Robert Howald, Comcast; John Chrostowski, Comcast; Chris Marinangeli, Comcast; Dr. Richard Primerano, Comcast
Applying Web Principles to the Network
By Brian Field, Ph.D., Comcast Cable Communications