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Videotex On Two-Way Cable Television Systems - Some Technical Considerstions
By Efrem I . Goldberg, GTE Laboratories Incorporated
Performance History In Two-way Cable Plants Utilizing A PSK Communication System
By Rich Citta, Gary Sgrignoli and Dennis Mutzabaugh, Zenith Electronics Corp
Can Noise And Ingress Coexist With Two-way Services?
By Clifford B. Schrock, CableBus Systems Corporation
Timing Considerations In RF Two Way Data Collection And Polling
By Daniel F. Walsh Jr., Jerrold - Applied Media Lab
Upstream Noise And Bit-Error Rate Analysis Of An Operational One-way System Converted To Two-Way Operation
By Claude Baggett, Paul Workman, and Michael Ellis, Cox Cable Communications, Inc.
Technical Eye Opener Workshop: System Requirements For Two-way
By Society of Cable Television Engineers
Return System AGC In Two-Way CATV Systems
By Henry B. Marron & Lawrence I. Fawber, Jerrold Electronics Corporation
Technical Aspects Of Two-Way CATV Systems In Germany
By Rolf M. Schnee And Franz K. Kraus, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut
Addressable Terminal Control Using The Vertical Interval
By Carl F. Schoeneberger, TOCOM, Inc.
IP Streaming And Broadband, Together On The Road To The Two-Way IP Highway?
By Chris Dinallo, Pace Micro Technology Americas
TOCOM System Bi-Directional Cable Television Information And Control Transmission System
By William F. Osborn
The Urban Market: Paving The Way For Two-Way Telecommunications
By John D. Fannetti and Jack Reed, City of Syracuse
An Overview of the DOCSIS Two Way Physical Layer
By Bill Kostka
Address From Clay T. Whitehead, Director Of The Office Of Telecommunications Policy
By Clay T. Whitehead, Office Of Telecommunications Policy
The T-Matic™ Videocassette Program Automation System
By Lyle 0. Keys, President, TeleMation, Inc.
A Time Compression Multiplex System For Multiple Video and Data Distribution Using Existing Satellite Channels
By Donald Kirk, Jr., Digital Communications, Inc.
It’s ALIVE! Getting to Successful R-PHY Deployment: Do’s And Don’ts
By Tal Laufer & Jeroen Putzeys, ARRIS; Uffe Callesen, Stofa
CATV System Design and Operation
By C. Bailey Neal, Archer S. Taylor, Donald W. Levenson, Orville D, Page, J.D. Cauldwell, P. Knight and E. R. Mertz, John Campbell and Joseph P. Gleason
From Satellite To Earth Station To Studio To S-T-L To MDS Transmitter To The Home; Pay Television Comes To Anchorage, Alaska
By Richard L. Vega, Telecommunications Systems, Inc
Encryption-Based Security Systems What Makes Them Different And How Well Are They Working?
By Anthony J. Wechselberger Vice President, Engineering , OAK Communications Inc.