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Virtual BNG on Public Cloud for Disaster Recovery and Capacity on Demand
By Jim Huang, Amazon Web Services; Juan Luis Esteban, Ciena; Christopher Adigun, Amazon Web Services
Ransomware, Incident Reporting, and the Critical Infrastructure Designation for Cable Networks
By Brian A. Scriber, CableLabs
Challenges, Considerations, and Best Practices for Secure SD-WAN Operationalization for Business Services
By Xin Huang, Joshua Horton, Hung Le; Comcast Cable
Photon Avatars in the Comcast Cosmos: An End-to-End View of Comcast Core, Metro and Access Networks
By Venk Mutalik, Steve Ruppa, Fred Bartholf, Bob Gaydos, Steve Surdam, Amarildo Vieira, Dan Rice; Comcast
An Analysis of How to Deploy Low Power WAN IoT Using HFC and Fiber Network Infrastructure
By Patricio Sebastian Latini, CASA Systems
Hyperscale Virtual Services Gateway
By Carl Klatsky, Comcast; DeFu Li, Comcast; Jason Combs, Comcast; Anton Grichina, Harmonic; Adam Levy, Harmonic
Implement Closed-Loop Network Decisioning Now with Big Data Analytics and Fuel Future-State SDN Use Cases Through a Common Platform Deployment
By Brennen Lynch and Anukool Lakhina, Guavus, Inc.
The Edge Resource Center: Leveraging NFV And SDN For High Availability / High Performance Network Function
By Jeff DeMent, Erich Arnold, and Mircea Orban, Arris Group
Matter - What It Is, How It Works and Why It Matters To The Cable Industry
By Haefner, Kyle, Ph.D., CableLabs; Haque, Asad, Comcast; Page, Jason, Charter Communications
Insight-Driven Network Performance Management and Protection in the Cloud/IoT Era
By Tony Kourlas, Nokia
A Unified GitOps Continuous Deployment Approach for Telco Hybrid Workloads
By Stephan Salas, Ruibing Hao, Ph.D; Comcast, Inc.
5G Security & Protection Framework
By Vasu Dalal & Patrick Nta, NOKIA
Security Strategies in the Wake of Nation-State Attack Evolution
By Emma Rochon & Nancy Davoust, Comcast Cable
Head In The Cloud, Feet On The Ground: Virtualization Of The Residential Gateway
By Barak Hermesh, Shaul Shulman, Guy Ray, Paul Mannion and Eoin Walsh, Intel Corporation
The Operational Impacts of Supporting a Disaggregated, Distributed, Cloud-based Network Architecture
By Aliraza Bhimani, Comcast Cable; Idris Jafarov, DriveNets
Securing Remote PHY Infrastructure
By Pawel Sowinski and Gerry White, Cisco Systems, Inc.
DOCSIS 4.0 Security: A Comprehensive Guide to Successful Deployments
By Massimiliano Pala, Doug Jones, Yuan Tian, Craig Pratt; CableLabs
Cable and Mobile Convergence: A Vision from the Cable Communities Around the World
By Jennifer Andréoli-Fang, PhD, CableLabs; John T. Chapman, Ian Campbell, & Mark Grayson, Cisco; Ahmed Bencheikh, Praveen Srivastava & Vikas Sarawat, Charter Communications; Drew Davis & Paul Blaser, Cox Communications; Damian Poltz & Dave Morley, Shaw Communications; Eduardo Panciera, Telecom Argentina; Philippe Perron, Sylvain Archambault, Eric Menu, Géraldine Trouillard & David Lagacé, Videotron; Gavin Young & Bruno Cornaglia, Vodafone
Openness And Secrecy In Security Systems: Polycipher Downloadable Conditional Access
By Tom Lookabaugh, PolyCipher and James Fahrny, Comcast Cable
Running a Multi-Tenant Hybrid Cloud for Large Scale Cable Applications
By Neill A. Kipp, Comcast