Thinking Of Moving from DPoE to XGS-PON? A Few Insights from a Cable Operator’s Perspective (2023)

By Melody Rock, Rogers Communication; Colin Dearborn, Rogers Communication

Have you been contemplating implementing XGS-PON in your network but have thus far leveraged Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS®) provisioning over Ethernet passive optical networking (EPON) (DPoE)? As cable providers have deep experience in deploying and managing DOCSIS networks, DPoE provides a great method of leveraging DOCSIS knowledge and investments to support fibre to the premises (FTTP) deployments. Despite this advantage, many operators are considering shifting their FTTP technology plans from EPON/DPoE based systems to 10 gigabit symmetrical passive optical network (XGS-PON) for technical or financial reasons. This paper will explore the key items to consider when making the transition to XGS-PON. Topics that will be explored include technical items such as fiber architecture, provisioning and tools, all the way to cultural and organizational change management (OCM). As all operator networks and organizations are different, this paper is not intended to provide the answers but instead offer insight and thoughts that operators can take away to help form their own plans.

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