Powerful LPWAN Solutions for IoT (2017)

By Chris Kocks, Pure Integration, LLC.

The rapid growth of IoT has dramatically expanded the number of wireless devices in the home and around us. This expansion has been remarkable considering large dependence upon short range, local area networks, and antiquated cellular networks for longer range. One of the key changes enabling an explosion of IoT solutions is the deployment of LPWAN (low power wide area network) with accessibility measured in kilometers rather than meters. Greater ranges open the flood gates to more comprehensive hybrid solutions that are driving smart cities, business, automotive, and industrial connected initiatives. What are the use cases and value that will be enabled with LPWAN? What are the advantages over similar 5G cellular solutions being developed? Which platforms provide the most promise? How will operators position as key players in this new ecosystem? Get ready see real examples of LPWAN use cases and how operators will drive the next wave of evolution in IoT. This paper will share some approaches and examples of how LPWAN will drive value. Readers will also learn about leading solutions in this space and their unique advantages.

The audience for this paper is anyone planning or designing an IoT solution to serve home, business, municipality, and industrial purpose. Product executives, solution architects, and operations professionals will be interested to understand the strategic opportunities and impacts in addition to specific use cases and value propositions for leveraging LPWAN solutions. Readers will get an overview of the technology, its applications, and some of leading wireless solutions in this space with their unique advantages.

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