Bringing the power of Analytics to improve end-user Quality of Experience (2016)

By Sangeeta Ramakrishnan, Xiaoqing Zhu, Frank Chan, Bhanu Krishnamurthy, Cindy Chan, Zheng Lu, and Kashyap Kambhatla, Cisco Systems

This paper will present the various ways the analytics can be gathered and how it can be used. A primary usecase for this technology is for IP video delivery and troubleshooting any problems associated with its delivery. Operators spend a large amount of OpEx dollars for troubleshooting their networks and services. Analytics are key to being able to quickly triage and identify sources of problems.

Another way the analytics can be used is for capacity planning. Today much of capacity planning is highly dependent on network interface utilization. We will instead present a novel method to go beyond utilization levels and in fact estimate bandwidth demand on the network. Improved capacity planning techniques can help operators spend their Capex dollars in an efficient manner to target network spend on the areas that need it the most, thereby being cost-effective while yet improving subscribers’ experience.

Finally we will present ways in which the analytics can be leveraged to optimize the efficiency of the operator’s network. The optimizations can range from video-aware cable modem load balancing, to WiFi optimizations that enhance broadband delivery. Further these analytics can be used to optimize IP video Quality of Experience thereby significantly improving the bandwidth efficiency of operators’ networks. Results from such optimizations demonstrating up to 40% improvement in stream packing efficiency will also be presented.

Besides outlining the various ways Analytics can be used in operator networks, we will also present a proposal on how this can be realized with a Software Defined Networking (SDN) approach. Given recent technology advances in the industry with respect to Analytics, Big Data, and the advent of Software Defined Networking, this is the right time for the cable industry to adopt Analytics to improve the service offered to subscribers while yet improving the cost effectiveness of offering such services.

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