Blended Technologies Operating in the World of HFC, Wireless, DSL, and Other Transport Technologies (1999)

By Jeff Tokar, High Speed Access Corp.

Now that the standards for DOCSIS compliant cable modems have been finalized and the compliant modems are starting to emerge, cable operators are in a position to expand an early lead in deploying high-speed Internet and data services, establish a significant presence in these new markets, and begin generating revenues in anticipation of competition from telephone, satellite and wireless cable alternatives. Unfortunately a large fraction of the installed cable plant is still either unsuitable for 2-way high-speed communications, or deployed primarily in residential areas bypassing potential commercial markets where these services are highly coveted and have the potential to generate the highest revenues. By expanding upon the technologies within their arsenal, cable operators can take the lead in almost every market today, while gaining the flexibility to expand out the basic hybrid fiber/coax (HFC) technology as revenues and schedules dictate.

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