The variety of information, which can be categorized, formatted and displayed by character generation, is almost limitless. The most common, of course, is the radio broadcast wire. However, other sources presently used are: NOAA, National Weather Wire, the financial wire, and NYSE and AMEX, stock quote wires, plus the horse racing wire.
The above information displayed is exceedingly important. However, probably the most exciting information displayed, and the most viable customer support of the cable system in character generation, is community information.
Examples of computer to computer data displays include comparison shopping, traffic information, listings from state or private employment agencies, air line schedules and recreation facilities availabilities.
Through computer patterns or pictures, color coding, and the selecting of proper background music, the Character Generation Channels exude personality, clarity and imagination, which create viewer longevity.
To reduce operating overhead within your system, remote keyboards can be located throughout the community to gain the civic, educational and general information input. These remote keyboards can also generate revenue through placement and advertiser locations. This list of information categories is merely a starting glossary. It is suggested that you keep the categories relevant to your community.