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What Could You Do With 100 Gbps Coherent PON?
By Edward W. Boyd, Ciena Corporation; John Bender, GCI Communication Corp; Kevin Noll, CableLabs; James Harley, Ciena Corporation
Bandwidth and Latency Analysis of 25GS PON - An Overview of 25GS Passive Optical Networks
By Edward Boyd, Tibit Communications, Inc; Edward Walter, AT&T, Inc.; Fernando Villarruel, Ciena Corp
The Path Not Traveled: An Analysis of Modern PON Technologies in the Evolutionary Path of HFC Networks
By Kevin A. Noll, CableLabs
Constructing a Convergence Lab: Lessons Learned From Building a Converged Network at CableLabs
By Matthew Schmitt, CableLabs
Remote PON Network Performance
By Edward Boyd, Tibit Communications, Kevin A. Noll, Time Warner Cable, Saifur Rahman & Nagesh Nandiraju, Comcast Cable, and Fernando Villarruel, Cisco Systems
Scaling of Current PON Technologies to Meet the CPON Goals of 100Gbps and Beyond
By Karthik Sundaresan, CableLabs; Zhensheng (Steve) Jia, Ph.D., CableLabs; Kevin Noll, Vecima
Delivering Access Beyond 10G: Coherent Subcarrier Aggregation as Backhaul for Next-Generation R-OLT, RMD, and Wireless
By Colin Howlett & Kevin A. Noll, Vecima; Aaron Chase & Antonio Napoli, Infinera; Jay Rolls, Pacband
Revolutionizing Access Networks: How TFDM Coherent PON Combines the Best of TDM and WDM PONs
By Zhensheng (Steve) Jia, Ph.D., CableLabs; Haipeng Zhang, Ph.D., CableLabs; L. Alberto Campos, Ph.D., CableLabs
Fiber QAM vs RF QAM: Demystifying Coherent Optics
By Amarildo Vieira, Ph.D., Comcast Connect; Venk Mutalik, Comcast; Dan Rice, Comcast; John Chrostowski, Comcast; Saif Rahman, Comcast
Unleashing the Power of Coherent Optical Technology
By Haipeng Zhang, Ph.D., CableLabs; Zhensheng (Steve) Jia, Ph.D., CableLabs; L. Alberto Campos, Ph.D., CableLabs
A Comparison Of Centralized vs. Distributed Access Architechtures for PON
By Michael Emmendorfer and Sebnem ZorluOzer, ARRIS
Blueprint for 3 GHz, 25 Gbps DOCSIS
By John T Chapman & Hang Jin, Cisco Systems; Thushara Hewavithana, Intel Corporation; Rainer Hillermeier, Qorvo
The Path to 100 Gbps DAA Nodes: Analyzing DOCSIS Bandwidth and its Impact on the CIN
By John T Chapman, Cisco Systems
EPoC Application & MAC Performance
By Edward Boyd, Broadcom Corporation and Kevin A. Noll, Time Warner Cable
Coherent PON Poised to Become Cable’s Next Long Term Evolution Access Platform
By Zhensheng (Steve) Jia, Ph.D., L. Alberto Campos, Ph.D, Haipeng Zhang, Ph.D., Chris Stengrim, Curtis Knittle, Ph.D.; CableLabs
Cable and Mobile Convergence: A Vision from the Cable Communities Around the World
By Jennifer Andréoli-Fang, PhD, CableLabs; John T. Chapman, Ian Campbell, & Mark Grayson, Cisco; Ahmed Bencheikh, Praveen Srivastava & Vikas Sarawat, Charter Communications; Drew Davis & Paul Blaser, Cox Communications; Damian Poltz & Dave Morley, Shaw Communications; Eduardo Panciera, Telecom Argentina; Philippe Perron, Sylvain Archambault, Eric Menu, Géraldine Trouillard & David Lagacé, Videotron; Gavin Young & Bruno Cornaglia, Vodafone
Addressing Unrelenting Growth in Backbone Fiber Systems Using Next Generation Photonics and Automation
By Timothy Maenpaa, Ciena Corporation
Impact of Access Environment in Cable’s Digital Coherent System – Coexistence and Full Duplex Coherent Optics
By Zhensheng (Steve) Jia, Ph.D., L. Alberto Campos, Ph.D., Mu Xu, Ph.D., Haipeng Zhang, Ph.D., Jing Wang, Ph.D. & Curtis Knittle, Ph.D., CableLabs
Operating Fiber Access the Cable Way: Challenges for the Industry to Overcome
By Jason Rupe, CableLabs; John Bevilacqua, CableLabs; Kevin Noll, CableLabs; Jon Schnoor, CableLabs
Delivering Network Agility and Automated Operations with GitOps
By David Bainbridge, Ciena Corporation