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Fiber Backbone: A Proposal For An Evolutionary CATV Network Architecture
By James A. Chiddix, David M. Pangrac, American Television and Communications Corporation
Fiber Backbone- Multi-channel Am Video Trunking
By James A. Chiddix, American Television and Communications Corporation
Fiber Trunk And Feeder -- The Continuing Evolution
By David M. Pangrac and Louis D. Williamson, American Television and Communications Corporation
Off-Premises Broadband Addressability: A CATV Industry Challenge
By James A. Chiddix, David M. Pangrac
Upgrading Coaxial Distribution Networks With Amplified Taps Exploring a Reliable, Cost-Effective Approach to GigaHertz CATV Plant
By James A. Chiddix and Jay A. Vaughan, American Television & Communications Corporation
550 Upgrades With Fiber: Selecting Cost-effective Architectures
By Jay A. Vaughan, American Television & Communications Corporation
Integrated AML/fiber Backbone Systems
By T.M. Straus, Hughes Aircraft Company Microwave Communications Products
A Technical Analysis Of A Hybrid Fiber/Coaxial Cable Television System
By Perry Rogan, Raleigh B. Stelle Ill, Louis Williamson, American Television and Communications
Fiber Optic Technology For CATV Supertrunk Applications
By James A. Chiddix, Oceanic Cablevision, Inc.
A Passive Optical/Coax Hybrid Network Architecture for Delivery of CATV, Telephony and Data Services
By Dr. M. Farooque Mesiya, American Lightwave Systems, Inc.
Application Of Fiber Optics In CATV
By James C. Herman, Times Fiber Communications, Inc.
Subscription Services For CATV -M
By Henry Harris, Cox Cable Communications, Inc. - Richard Lubic, Home Theatre Network, Inc. - James T. Ragan, Athena Communications Corp. - William Butters, Trans-World Productions, Inc. - Gerald Levin, Home Box Office Inc. - Frank Cooper, Gridtronics, Inc. - Gary Christensen
New Microwave And Fiber Optic Supertrunking System Configurations
By T. M. Straus, R. T. Hsu, and L. A. Kaufman, Hughes Aircraft Company
An Evolutionary View of A TM Based Cable Television Residential Architectures
By Gaylord A. Hart, XEL Communications, Inc.
Optical Fiber Super-Trunking - The Time Has Come: A Performance report On A Real-World System
By James A Chiddix, Oceanic Cablevision, Inc
Advanced Data Communications Applications for the CATV Industry
By Edward J. Zylka and William E. Cohn, Zenith Electronics Corporation
Integrated Wireless PCS - Hybrid Fiber Coax Network Architecture
By Douglas E. Hohulin, Robert W. Hammond, Motorola, Pan American Wireless Infrastructure Division
CATV Via Satellite
By Frederick W. Ford, G. Norman Penwell, Louis B. Early, Robert D. Briskman, Irving A. Kahn, Frank W. Norwood, Nathaniel E. Feldman,
An Analysis of lnteroperability and Cost Factors for Regional Digital Backbone Networks
By John Holobinko, American Lightwave Systems, Inc.
Multi-Channel AM Fiber Optic CATV Trunks - From Lab to Reality
By Carl J. McGrath, AT&T Bell Laboratories