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Lessons From Telco & Wireless Providers: Extending The Life Of The HFC Plant With New Technologies
By Tom Cloonan, Ayham Al-Banna, Mike Emmendorfer, Zoran Maricevic, Frank O’Keeffe, and John Ulm, ARRIS Group, Inc.
A PNM System Using Artificial Intelligence, HFC Network Impairment, Atmospheric and Weather Data to Predict HFC Network Degradation and Avert Customer Impact
By Larry Wolcott, Michael O'Dell, Peter Kuykendall, Vishnu Gopal, Jason Woodrich & Nick Pinckernell, Comcast
Distortion Measurement Techniques For CATV
By W. A. Rheinfelder, R & D Anaconda-Astrodata Co.
Store And Forward IPPV Via The Telephone Return Path
By By: Dennis R. Clark
Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming for RF Bandwidth Optimization
By Tom Holloran, Charter Communications
Crossmodulation - Its Specification And Significance
By Mark Adams & Rezin Pidgeon, Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.
Analysis Of Two-Way Cable System Transient Impairments
By Richard S. Prodan, Ph.D. , Majid Chelehmal, Ph.D., Tom Williams, CableLabs
Roaring into the ‘20s with 10G
By Dr. Robert Howald, Robert Thompson, Sebnem Ozer, Daniel Rice & Larry Wolcott, Comcast; Dr. Tom Cloonan, Dr. Ruth Cloonan & John Ulm, CommScope; Jan Ariesen, Technetix
Options for High-Efficiency HFC Return Architectures
By Eric Schweitzer, PhD, Harmonic Inc.
The Universality of Modulation
By Tom Williams, Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
Data Collection, Interpretation Methodologies, and Challenges for Proactive Network Maintenance
By James Medlock, Akleza, Inc.; Ron Hranac, SCTE; Allen Maharaj, Rogers; Alexander Podarevsky, Promptlink Communications; Jason Rupe, CableLabs; Foad Towfiq, Promptlink Communications; Brady Volpe, Volpe Firm
Improving Upstream Efficiency
By Karthik Sundaresan, Tom Williams, Sheldon Webster, Alberto Campos & Doug Jones, CableLabs
CATV Channel Characterization for Digital Data Transmission Applications
By Steve Dehart and Richard Serafin, Philips Broadband Networks Inc., & Samir Hulyalkar and David Bryan, Philips Laboratories, & Larry Bennett, Hewlett Packard
Distortion Beat Characterization and the Impact on QAM BER Performance
By D. Stoneback, R. Howald and T. Brophy, GE and O. Sniezko , AT&T Broadband & Internet Services
Lessons For The Interactive Return System
By Dr. Kerry D. LaViolette, Philips Broadband Networks, Incorporated
Managing the Return Spectrum to Optimize Interactive Revenue Opportunities
By James 0. Fanner, Antec Corporation
Digital Video: Whatever Happened to Differential Phase and Gain
By Gerald Robinson and Chris Bowick, Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.
The Grown-up Potential Of A Teenage Phy
By Dr. Robert Howald, Robert Thompson, Dr. Amarildo Vieira, Motorola Mobility
Data Channel Optimization - Managing Technology Borders
By Matthew Olfert, Shaw Communications Inc.
Compatibility Issues in Block Conversion for Return Path Concentration
By James O. Farmer, Mark A. Linford, ANTEC Corporation